Medicine is the science of disease, not health.
Health is an absolute harmony of body, mind and spirit!
Fibers for the gut
Broccoli - reduces the likelihood of oncological diseases, strengthens bones. Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane, so it has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, and its dark green color means it is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A and calcium and iron.
Thyme - inhibits the proliferation of oncological cells, improves mood - increases the amount of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Fresh thyme has some of the strongest antioxidant properties.
Nettles - relieves inflammation, cleanses slag, increases energy, reduces pain, treats allergies, acts against inflammation and viruses, because nettles are rich in amino acids, trace elements, which together with vitamins strengthen and heal the human body.
Parsley - detoxifies the body. Parsley is a known natural diuretic that promotes the formation and excretion of urine. In this way, toxins and bacteria are washed out of the kidneys, making parsley a common ingredient in detoxifying cocktails, and parsley tea is used to cleanse the body.
Apples - antioxidants, rich in fiber, iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, calcium, iodine, phytoncides and pectins; lowers cholesterol, eliminates bacteria and heavy metals, helps get rid of tension, reduces asthma attacks, stops blood clots.
Pineapple - reduces weight (fat accumulation), removes toxins from the intestine, cleanses the kidneys, slows down atherosclerosis, improves mood, gives a feeling of fullness (reduces appetite).
Kiwis - a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins C, E, K, that also lower cholesterol. Kiwi seeds contain Omega - 3 fatty acids, and fresh kiwis contain a lot of potassium, which is necessary for good heart function, blood pressure.
Black currants - antioxidants, strengthen immunity, a source of A, B5, B6, B1, C, E. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight stress and stops the aging process. This vitamin strengthens the immune system and makes the body more resistant to bacteria and viruses. Black currants are also rich in iron.
Ginger - has a blood clotting-reducing effect, reduces constipation, relaxes, stimulates the metabolism, cleanses the lymphatic system, promotes airway cleansing, has antibacterial effects, prevents cancer, diabetes and fungus.
A little about fiber or what you need to know:
10 - 20 g per day is the recommended amount of fiber to maintain healthy gastrointestinal function. To reduce the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, 30 grams of fiber should be consumed daily.
10 grams of fiber consumed per day is reduces the risk of heart and vascular disease even 9-10%! Has a positive effect on the CNS (central nervous system), reduces the risk of colon oncological diseases.
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