Medicine is the science of disease, not health.
Health is an absolute harmony of body, mind and spirit!
Anti - Stress
· Strawberries - folic acid in the composition fights depression, aging, cancer;
· Guelder rose berries - improves CNS activity;
· Blackcurrant - strengthens immunity, contains GLA acid;
· Blackberries - rich in organic acids, nitrogenous substances, pectins.Indications for use: anxiety, stress, insomnia, mental and emotional tension, high blood pressure, cholesterol, allergy, migraine, ulcer, angina pectoris, panic attacks.Source of vitamins: A, B, C, E, P and potassium, magnesium, selenium, chromium, sulfur.Ingredients: blueberries, wild strawberries, guelder rose berries, blackcurrant, blackberriesUsage: 5 - 7 cubes per day.Storage: store in a dry and cool place.
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